Chickenpox Vaccination Service

This service is only available to patients from 2 years old.

Chickenpox is an acute, highly infectious disease causes by a virus the Varicella Zoster (VZ virus). 

Chickenpox is a mild and common childhood illness that is mostly seen in children under the age of 10. It is a highly contagious viral infection that spreads easily from person to person. Chickenpox can be a seasonal disease – there is often a peak between March and May although this has been less noticeable in recent years due to the COVID-19 safety measures.

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hands and arms covered in chickenpox

Chickenpox causes a rash of red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters, they can crust over to form scabs, which eventually drop off. Some children have only a few spots, but other children have spots that cover their entire body.

It is unusual for an adult to have chickenpox as the disease is more common in childhood. Most people have had chickenpox by the time they are an adult and because of this 90% of adults raised in the UK are immune. However, if they haven’t had chickenpox as a child they may be higher risk of severe disease.

It’s easy to catch chickenpox and you can catch it by being in the same room as someone with it. It’s also spread by touching things that have fluid from the blisters on them.

You can spread the virus to others from 2 days before your spots appear until they have formed scabs – usually 5 days after the spots appear.

What are the symptoms?

Spotty rash is the main symptom of chickenpox which can be anywhere on the body. Chickenpox has 3 stages.

spots covering hand to show first stage of chickenpox

Stage 1 - Small spots appear

They can spread or stay in a small area. They can be red, pink, darker or the same colour as surrounding skin, depending on your skin tone

hand showing spots with some turned in blisters to show second stage of chickenpox

Stage 2 - Spots turn to blisters

Spots fill with fluid and become blisters which become very itchy and can burst.

hand showing blisters have turned into scabs for final stage of chickenpox

Stage 3 - The blisters become scabs

The blisters form a scab. Some are flaky while others some leak fluid.

Other symptoms that can occur are:

  • High temperature
  • Aches and pains, and generally feeling unwell 
  • Loss of appetite



Who should be vaccinated?

Our chickenpox vaccination service may be suitable for adults and children who:

  • haven’t already had the vaccine
  • haven’t had chickenpox before
  • are at least two years old, and less than 65 years old
  • are not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • are not immunocompromised (a weakened immune system)
  • are health workers who have patient contact
  • are laboratory staff
  • are not eligible for an NHS vaccination but want to help protect themselves and their family from the disease
  • who have contact with immunocompromised patients, particularly where continuing close contact is unavoidable
  • haven’t had an allergic reaction to a vaccine before

For the purpose of this service the vaccination age limit is 2 years and over.

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How do I get my chickenpox vaccine?

Children and adults should receive two doses of varicella vaccine, four to eight weeks apart (and certainly not less than four weeks apart). You will be asked a few questions to see if you are eligible. Our qualified pharmacist will administer the vaccine in the privacy of the consultation room.

Book an appointment at a date and time that suits you here: 

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Or alternatively, you can call your local Rowlands Pharmacy or ask the team, if you are already in-store.

How much does it cost?

You will require two doses of the vaccine which are £75 per vaccine. You can choose to pay for the full schedule upfront which costs £140.

Before your vaccination, please tell your pharmacist if:

  • You feel unwell, have a temperature or are currently suffering from an infection
  • You have had any other vaccinations or immunisations in the last 3 months
  • You have ever fainted or felt dizzy after receiving an injection
  • You have any known allergies
  • You are taking any other medications
  • You are pregnant
child getting vaccine

Following the vaccination you may experience some slight side effects. If you:

  • Have a sore arm, apply a cold compress.
  • Suffer from a headache or slight fever, drink plenty of water and take painkillers if suitable.

If your symptoms persist for over 48 hours please contact your GP surgery or NHS 111.

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