Stop smoking

Millions of people quit smoking every year and you could be one of them. Choosing to quit smoking is a huge decision to make and people often embark on the journey more than once before finally having success.

lady snapping cigarette in half to quit smoking

Smoking is extremely addictive so don’t feel guilty if you’ve tried before and failed, it’s not an easy journey to make but the improvements to both your health and lifestyle are so dramatic it will keep you motivated throughout. 

There are many health benefits for you when you quit smoking of which some are instant. Better Health NHS states: 

health benefits to stopping smoking timeline

There a various methods to help you give up smoking, which includes Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). For many smokers, it’s the withdrawal symptoms that are the most difficult to deal with. NRT acts by providing a 'clean' alternative source of nicotine that you would have otherwise received from tobacco. Nicotine delivered from NRT is absorbed more slowly and generally in a lesser amount, but it is sufficient to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms. It’s recommended that all products should be used for 8-12 weeks.

Top 5 myths about stop smoking aids shattered!

1. Stop smoking aids don’t really work

TRUTH: Research suggests that NRT’s can double (or even triple) your chances of successfully quitting smoking, why do it cold turkey when these products could really help!?

2. It’s dangerous to use more than one NRT at a time

TRUTH: No, using more than one product at a time can be a good thing as it often increases the success.  Combination therapy is a popular strategy.

3. I can’t use stop smoking treatments if I’m pregnant

TRUTH: It’s the perfect time to quit as smoking is dangerous to you and your baby.  Talk to your midwife about NRT products like gum, patches or lozenges as these may be recommended if you are finding it hard to quit.

4. I’ve had a heart attack so I can’t use NRT

TRUTH: NRT has been shown to be safe in most people with heart disease; however it is always advisable to talk to your doctor before starting any course of medication.

5. NRT products are as addictive as smoking

TRUTH: Most people using NRT do not become reliant on them, the nicotine from patches or gum etc. is released into your system slower than the nicotine from cigarettes.  It is often the case that people don’t use enough NRT for long enough.

Speak to a member of the pharmacy team for help and advice on your stop smoking journey.

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