Vitamin D Deficiency Test

During winter months it’s estimated that up to 40% of adults are vitamin D deficient. It’s important to get adequate amounts of this nutrient maintain a strong immune system, healthy bones, good energy levels and even positive moods. Testing regularly can give you an indication of whether you need increase your intake of Vitamin D, which could be a supplement or taking advantage of the sun’s rays (it’s always important to ensure SPF is used to protect your skin).

Don't forget that during the winter months, the sun’s rays may be weaker, so maintaining Vitamin D levels can be more challenging.

vitamin D test pack shot

Who should consider taking an Vitamin D Deficiency test?

This test is recommended if you have little or no exposure to sunlight, and if you've noticed you’re unusually tired or frequently ill.

Test specification


93.8 % accuracy

stopwatch icon

10 minutes for results

specimen bottle

Specimen type: Blood

test cassette

1 test per pack

What is included in the testing box?


1 x Test Cassette

1 x Alcohol Pad

1 x Capillary Dropper

1 x Lancet

1 x Buffer

1 x Instructions for use

1 x Quick Start Guide

1 x Colour Card

How to use the test?

  1. Pull off and dispose cap of lancet
  2. Clean fingertip with alcohol pad
  3. Press the lancet against the fingertip
  4. Massage the pricked fingertip to obtain blood drop
  5. Put capillary dropper in contact with blood and draw the blood to fill line
  6. Put the collected blood into the sample well
  7. Add 2 drops of the buffer
  8. Wait for the coloured line and read results at 10 minutes - compare it to vitamin D Colour card

Interpreting your results


Two distinct coloured lines appear. Your vitamin D levels are very low


Two coloured lines appear. T is darker than 30ng/mL and lighter than 10ng/mL. Your vitamin D levels are slightly low.


Two coloured lines appear. T is equal or lighter than 30ng/mL. You have sufficient vitamin D.


One coloured Control line appears in C region. Your vitamin D levels are high.


Control line fails to appear. Repeat the test.



What do your test results mean and what we recommend you should do next?


Deficient levels of Vitamin D

Having very low levels of Vitamin D may cause you problems in regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate in your body. Both of which are important in maintaining good bone health. Vitamin D is also important for your energy levels, mood and immune system.
It is recommended you take a Vitamin D supplement.

After taking Vitamin D supplements, we recommend repeating this test after 6 months to recheck if your Vitamin D levels have increased. If the level remains as ‘Deficient’, it is recommended that you make an appointment with your GP to discuss your results to ensure there are no underlying causes.


Insufficient levels of Vitamin D 

Small changes to your diet may help improve your Vitamin D levels.
If are not already taking a Vitamin D supplement, you should consider starting one.

You may want to consider repeating the test after 6 months to check your Vitamin D levels have increased to normal.


Sufficient levels of Vitamin D

Having Vitamin D levels within the normal range is considered a marker of good health, suggesting your diet and lifestyle is at an optimum level for this vitamin. This may be because you are getting adequate exposure to sunlight or a supplement you are taking suits you well.

You may want to consider repeating the test annually, to check your Vitamin D levels remain within the normal range.


Excess levels of Vitamin D

Having Vitamin D levels in excess can result in the body absorbing excess calcium. Excess levels are normally due to the over use of Vitamin D supplements. It is recommended you stop taking any Vitamin D supplement.

You may want to consider repeating the test after 6 months, to check your Vitamin D levels have returned to the normal range.


More information

Following your results if you are still concerned, pop into your local Rowlands Pharmacy to speak to the pharmacy team for advice. If required they can help you to find the most suitable Vitamin D supplement for you.

Government advice is that everyone should consider taking a Vitamin D supplement during the Autumn and Winter months.

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