Winter Health

We’ve all suffered with a horrible cold during the winter months. In adults a cold will usually last for around a week. There are more than 200 different viruses which can cause the common cold; this explains why people often become infected more than once within a season. Adults usually have two to four colds a year, more frequently during winter months.

man sat on couch, wrapped in blanket, with hot cup and tissues around

We know it’s not pleasant and whilst antibiotics are usually of no use, over-the-counter medication can help ease those nasty symptoms.  The main symptoms of a cold are a blocked or runny nose, a sore throat, headaches, muscle aches, sneezing and coughing. There’s a range of medication which can help with all of these. 

Did you know our pharmacy offers bigger pack sizes and higher strength medicines? Our pharmacy team are on hand for advice on the right treatment for you.

Combining medication can give you all around relief of your symptoms, for example using cold and flu tablets alongside a congestion spray or rub with a cough medicine, will give your body the chance to rest. Remember to always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that the products are used in the right way and the correct dosage is given.


Paracetamol can help to lower your temperature and treat pain. 

Ibuprofen can help relieve those aches and pains.

Vapour rub can help alleviate your decongestion and chesty cough.

Max Strength capsules give day and night relief. 

group shot of Numark cold medicine


Whether your cough is dry and tickly or chesty and full of mucus we can help. 

Mucus and chesty cough syrups help thin the mucus so it's easier to cough up. 

Dry cough syrups help coat the throat to relieve and soothe your sore throat.

group shot of Numark cold medicine

Our top tips to stay healthy this winter!

Keep up with your medication

It’s important to stay on top of your medication and ensure that you’re receiving your prescription on time, making sure you’re never in danger of running low, especially in the winter months when the weather is unpredictable. Our text message service is very simple and can stop any wasted trips outside in the cold and rain. Simply sign up in-store and we’ll send an automated message to either yourself, or the person who usually collects your medication, when your prescription is ready and waiting.

Protect yourself from flu

Flu is very infectious and can easily spread to others because flu germs can live on surfaces for 24 hours. If you, or someone in your household, has flu symptoms make sure you wash your hands and bin used tissues to trap germs from coughs and sneezes. Flu symptoms can be quite severe and come on quickly, including a sudden high temperature, an aching body, feeling tired or exhausted, getting a sore throat, and having difficulty sleeping. You can treat flu by getting rest, drinking plenty of water, and using over the counter flu remedies. Remember flu is not the same as the common cold. The best way to prevent flu is to protect you and your family with the seasonal flu vaccine. Vaccination is especially important for people at higher risk of serious flu complications and for people who live with or care for high-risk individuals.

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Stay warm

It's officially winter, and we all need to take extra care to make sure we stay warm throughout the colder months. Keeping ourselves warm is important because cold temperatures can affect our body's ability to fight off viruses and infections. Staying warm this winter will help you to stay well! It’s also important to keep to a routine of eating hot meals and drinking hot drinks throughout the day, as these will help keep our bodies at a warm, consistent temperature. If you're braving the cold weather, make sure to wear lots of layers, preparation is key, be sure to bring some extra layers because you never know when the temperature may drop! There’s nothing better than cuddling up in your favourite cosy blanket, with the curtains closed and the heating on, and some steaming hot chocolate. Stay warm this winter!

hot water bottles and cosy blanket

The importance of looking after your mood and mental health

Don't let the winter blues get you down! Cold weather can be a downer, but there are plenty of ways to stay cheerful and brighten up your days. From cozy nights in with a good book, to hot chocolate with friends, there's always something to do to feel better during this chilly season. It's no secret that sunshine has a huge impact on our moods as it helps boost our vitamin D levels. Getting outside this winter as often as you can, will make all the difference, but why not think about taking a vitamin D supplement as well during the darker months to offset how much time we’re spending inside when it’s raining!

Numark Vitamin D tablets

Keep on the go

Winter can bring along its fair share of struggles, but there is one simple solution that can make a big difference: physical activity! Regular exercise has been shown to boost mood and reduce depression and stress. Start small and build up to 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise, strength training, yoga, or other fitness activities five days a week, and don't forget to get outside daily for a few minutes. Keeping up other healthy habits like eating well, sleeping well, and maintaining proper hygiene also really matter. Invest in your physical health this winter, it could make all the difference! Being overweight can have a significant impact on your health, it can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. By reducing your weight to within a healthy range you can help protect your future health.

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