Introducing Rowlands Online Services

Convenience and care are our top priorities, which is why we’re beginning to offer our patients online health services.

Our online services allow you to speak directly to one of our expert pharmacists from the comfort of your own home, without compromising quality.

Female pharmacist on the phone whilst using the computer

The online services we currently offer are:

Weight ManagementBeing overweight can have a significant impact on your health, our team can provide you with advice and treatment options where suitable.
New Medicines CheckThe New Medicine Service will help provide better value for you and the NHS by making sure that your medicines are right for you.


Coming Soon

Online Prescription Services: Users in England can safely and securely order and manage their repeat prescription medications online using a secure NHS connection. Alternatively, you can currently use Hey Pharmacist to manage your prescriptions.

Contraception Service: Whether you need a repeat supply of oral contraception or you're trying it out for the first time, you will soon get access to it without visiting your GP.

Weight Management Service Online

Our weight management service offers personal support, advice and treatment from our expert pharmacists. When used alongside a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise, this can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight long-term.

Online consultations are available to book at a time that suits you. During the consultation, your pharmacist will discuss your weight loss journey and ask questions to determine your best path forward. If eligible, you'll receive weekly weight loss injections via post.

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Woman on her phone booking a weight management service

New Medicines Check

Between 30% and 50% of prescribed medicines are not taken as recommended. This means that a lot of medicines are wasted or are not as effective as they could be.

Our New Medicines Service is for people who have received their first prescription for a medicine to treat one of a range of conditions which have been chosen by the NHS. Our pharmacist will ask you questions about how you’re getting on with your new medicine, find out if you’re having any problems and give you any information and support you need.

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Antibiotics tub with pills spilling out

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