Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the service cost?

Weekly medicated injections begin at £105 per month. The dose is then gradually increased over a period of several months, and maintenance treatment can cost up to a maximum of £250 per month. 

Cost depends on type of treatment as well as your maintenance dose. Your pharmacist will discuss your options and individual requirements at your consultation.

How long do the consultations take?

Your first consultation can take up to 30 minutes. 

Appointments after this usually take less than 20 minutes. You will need to book an appointment to see your pharmacist once every 4 weeks to discuss your progress and receive your new supply of medication.

Are there any common side effects?

The most common side effects that can be experienced with medicated injections are gastrointestinal disturbances, for example diarrhoea, constipation, nausea and vomiting.

However, there are ways to reduce your risk of side effects and your pharmacist will discuss these with you during your consultation. 

For a full list of side effects, read the Patient Information Leaflet that will be provided with your treatment, or speak to your pharmacist. 

What are the risks of being overweight?

Being overweight or obese can lead to serious health implications and potentially life-threatening conditions, including coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even some types of cancer. It can also cause debilitating issues in day-to-day life, such as breathlessness, increased sweating, joint pain, snoring and feeling very tired.

If you’re not sure of your BMI, you can check it using the NHS BMI Calculator.

Are there other options for weight loss?


Exercise can help you burn calories by being active. The food you eat is stored in your body as fat to use as energy, which is used up when you exercise. If you use up less energy than you take in, this fat builds up causing you to gain weight. Exercise can also help prevent some medical conditions like diabetes.

Find out more at the NHS Get Active website.


Healthy eating is very important when managing your weight. Some top tips include aiming for 2 or more portions of veg in your main meal, eating a portion of fish at least twice a week, keeping carbohydrates to wholegrain and no more than a third of your meal, and choosing small amounts of low-fat spreads. It is also important to stay hydrated – drink 6 to 8 cups of fluid a day – this includes water, tea, coffee and even soup!

Find out more at the NHS Eat Well page.


Usually a last resort, surgery is for people who have been unable to lose weight with other treatment methods. Options include a gastric band, which is fitted around your stomach and makes you feel fuller from smaller amounts of food. A sleeve gastrectomy, where part of your stomach is removed, makes the amount of food you are able to eat smaller.

Surgery will be recommended by your doctor if they think it will be safe and beneficial for you, but it is not suitable for everyone.

Find more information on the NHS Website.

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